SSR’s rich history is celebrated through early Society photos, publications and retrospectives.
Images of the Past
Enjoy these photos that capture some of SSR’s rich history. Do you have photos documenting SSR’s past that you would like to share? Please contact us.
SSR Meeting, circa 1970s

Left to right: Rich Falvo, George Foxcroft, Luciano Martini (seated), Janice Bahr, Nira Ben-Jonathan, Mary Hunzicker-Dunn, Dave Bullock, Andrew Nalbandov, Landis Keyes, Gordon Niswender, Mary Nekola, John Resko. Circa 1976-1979.
Special thanks to Gordon Niswender, Brian Cook, and Landis Keyes for identifying the individuals in this photo.
There are currently two publications that relate SSR’s history from the perspectives of its founders:
- Dziuk P. “The Society for the Study of Reproduction: 25 Years in Retrospect.” Biol Reprod 1993; 48(1):28–32.
- Hoyer P, Highberger C. SSR: The Generation of a Legacy. Society for the Study of Reproduction 2005.
SSR: The Generation of a Legacy, Part One
Produced by Patricia Hoyer, Ph.D., and Craig B. Highberger. Filmed and edited by Craig B. Highberger. Special thanks to Iowa State University SPCL Department and SSR staff for archival materials. © 2005 SSR.
Speakers & Timing
Origins in Biennial Symposium on Reproduction & the American Society of Animal Science
- William Hansel, Ph.D.
- Neena B. Schwartz, Ph.D.
- Harold G. Spies, Ph.D.
“A Society that Focused on Students, Not on Faculty” (3:08)
- Gordon D. Niswender, Ph.D.
- John A. Resko, Ph.D.
- Billy Day, Ph.D.
The Founding Father of SSR: Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D. (5:24)
- Janice M. Bahr, Ph.D.
- Gilbert S. Greenwald, Ph.D.
- Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D.
Early Challenges (8:52)
- Fredrick Stormshak, Ph.D.
- Gordon W. Duncan, Ph.D.
- Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D.
Trainee Opportunities (13:18)
- Keith Inskeep, Ph.D.
- Fuller W. Bazer, Ph.D.
- Stanley R. Glasser, Ph.D.
Andrew Nalbandov, Ph.D. (15:45)
Gilbert S. Greenwald, Ph.D.
Larry L. Ewing, Ph.D. (17:02)
Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D.
Prostaglandins and Luteolysis (18:48)
- Fuller W. Bazer, Ph.D.
- John McCracken, Ph.D.
The Uterus and Luteal Regression (20:52)
- Gordon D. Niswender, Ph.D.
- John McCracken, Ph.D.
SSR: The Generation of a Legacy, Part Two
Produced by Patricia Hoyer, Ph.D., and Craig B. Highberger. Filmed and edited by Craig B. Highberger. Special thanks to Iowa State University SPCL Department and SSR staff for archival materials. © 2005 SSR.
Speakers & Timing
The First Test-Tube Baby
- Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D.
- John D. Biggers, D.Sc., Ph.D.
- Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D.
Biology of Reproduction (2:00)
- Gilbert S. Greenwald, Ph.D.
- John D. Biggers, D.Sc., Ph.D.
- William Hansel, Ph.D.
Female Leadership and Career Development (5:17)
- Anita H. Payne, Ph.D.
- Neena B. Schwartz, Ph.D.
- Anita H. Payne, Ph.D.
- Mary Hunzicker-Dunn, Ph.D.
Social Events at the SSR Annual Meeting (8:42)
- Billy N. Day, Ph.D.
- Janice M. Bahr, Ph.D.
- Mary Hunzicker-Dunn, Ph.D.
- John A. Resko, Ph.D.
- Gilbert S. Greenwald, Ph.D.
- Mary Hunzicker-Dunn, Ph.D.
- Gordon D. Niswender, Ph.D.
- Robert Ryan, M.D.
- Gordon D. Niswender, Ph.D.
- Harold G. Spies, Ph.D.
- Gordon D. Niswender, Ph.D.
- Harold G. Spies, Ph.D.
“Very, Very Proud of What We Started” (18:18)
- William Hansel, Ph.D.
- Philip J. Dziuk, Ph.D.
- Neena B. Schwartz, Ph.D.
- Stanley R. Glasser, Ph.D.
- Gilbert S. Greenwald, Ph.D.
- Gordon D. Niswender, Ph.D.
- John McCracken, Ph.D.
Heritage Honorees
Member Memorials
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Almquist, John O. (1921–2015)
- Obituary: Dr. John O. Almquist. Centre Daily Times.
- Memorial: Penn State mourns John Almquist, pioneering dairy physiologist. Penn State News.
Amstalden, Marcel (1970–2014)
Armstrong, David T. (1929–2016)
- Obituary: Dr. David Thomas Armstrong, Westview Funeral Chapel
- Memorial: Recipient of the 2018 IETS Pioneer Award: David Thomas Armstrong, BSA, MSc, PhD
Barraclough, Charles A. (1926–2009)
- SSR awards: 1990 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF), 1984 SSR Research Awardee (PDF)
- SSR collection: Robert D. Koos’ e-mail announcement; newspaper obituary (PDF)
Bedford, John Michael (1932–2018)
- Obituary: Remembering John Michael Bedford
- In Memoriam: John Michael Bedford
Behrman, Harold R. (1939–2008)
- BOR memorial: Kodaman PH. In memoriam, Harold R. Behrman, Ph.D., 1939–2008. Biol Reprod 2009; 80(3): 610.
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; Robert J. Alpern’s e-mail announcement; memorial by Richard Hochberg. (PDF)
Biggers, John D. (1923–2018)
- Obituary: In memory of John D. Biggers, Casper Funeral Services
- SSR awards: 1987 Carl G Hartman awardee and SSR President (1968-1969)
- SSR collection: Memorial by Jay Baltz, Ph.D. (PDF)
Butcher, Roy L. (1930–2012)
- BOR memorial: Inskeep EK. In memoriam, Roy L. Butcher, Ph.D., 1930–2012. Biol Reprod 2013; 88(5): 134.
Carlson, Jack (1939–2004)
- SSR collection: Mary M. Buhr’s e-mail announcement and memorial; newspaper obituary (PDF)
Casida, Lester Earl (1904–1986)
- Heritage Committee biosketch: Inskeep K, Cochrane B, Dailey B, Stormshak F. The seminal contributions of Lester Earl Casida to reproductive biology: experimental design, interpretation, integrity (1904–1986). Society for the Study of Reproduction. (PDF)
- SSR awards: 1975 Carl G. Hartman Awardee
Chandrashekar, Varadaraj (passed in 2006)
Channing, Cornelia “Nina” Post (1938–1985)
- Heritage Committee biosketch: Schwartz NB. Cornelia “Nina” Post Channing (1938–1985). Society for the Study of Reproduction. (PDF)
- SSR awards: 1978 SSR Research Awardee
Clermont, Yves (1926–2014)
Concannon, Patrick W. (1941–2015)
- Obituary: Patrick W. Concannon. Ithaca Journal.
- Memorial: “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Patrick Concannon…” International Veterinary Information Service.
Cook, Brian (1933-2022)
- Obituary: Dr. Brian Cook
Dorrington, Jennifer (passed in 2001)
- SSR collection: Katja J. Teerds’ e-mail announcement; Toronto Globe and Mail obituary. (PDF)
Dziuk, Philip J. (1926–2015)
- Obituary: Dr. Philip John “Phil” Dziuk
- SSR awards: 1989 Distinguished Service Awardee
- SSR collection:
Dukelow, W.R. Ph.D. (1936–2018)
Echternkamp, Sherrill (1943–2022)
- Obituary: In Memory of Dr. Sherrill Echternkamp
Enders, Allen C. (1928–2022)
- Obituary: In Memory of Dr. Allen Enders
Ewing, Larry L. (1936–1990)
- Heritage Committee biosketch: Zirkin BR. Larry L. Ewing: a friend and colleague remembered (1936–1990). Society for the Study of Reproduction. (PDF)
- SSR awards: 1987 SSR Distinguished Service Awardee
Farookhi, Riaz (1944–2013)
- Departmental biosketch: Riaz Farookhi, PhD SM SB. McGill University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Updated 5 Apr 2011.
- Newspaper obituary: Farookhi, Riaz. The Gazette, 1 Nov 2013.
- SSR Collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement
First, Neal (1930–2014)
- Obituary: Neal Lloyd First, PhD. Cox Funeral Home.
- SSR awards: 1991 SSR Research Awardee
Foote, Robert H. (1922–2008)
- Article for SSR: Foote RH. Science, scientists, and society. Madison, WI: Society for the Study of Reproduction; 2007:1-6. (PDF)
- BOR memorial: Parks JE, Butler WR, Kaproth MT, Seidel GE Jr. In memoriam, Dr. Robert H. Foote, 1922–2008. Biol Reprod 2009; 80(5): 1081-1082.
- Newspaper articles:
- SSR awards: 2000 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF)
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; service to SSR; trainee programs funded. (PDF)
Ford, Stephen (1948–2018)
- SSR Recognition: SSR Member for 48 Years
Gagnon, Claude (1950–2012)
Glasser, Stanley (1926–2015)
Gorski, Jack (1931–2006)
- BOR memorial: Stormshak F. In memoriam, Jack Gorski, Ph.D., 1931–2006. Biol Reprod 2008; 78(3): 565.
- Heritage Committee biosketch: Stormshak F. Jack Gorski: scholar, mentor, friend (1931–2006). Society for the Study of Reprodution. (PDF)
Greenwald, Gilbert S. (1927–2004)
- BOR memorial: Terranova P. In memoriam, Gilbert S. Greenwald, 1927–2004. Biol Reprod 2005; 72(3): 772.
- Heritage Committee biosketch: Norman RL. Gilbert S. Greenwald: mentor and friend (1927–2004). Society for the Study of Reproduction 2008. (PDF)
- SSR awards: 1993 Carl G. Hartman Awardee; 1988 SSR Distinguished Service Awardee.
Grotjan, H. Edward, Jr. (1947–2013)
- Newspaper obituary: Grotjan, H. Edward. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 21 Mar 2013.
- SSR collection: SSR’s announcement; obituary.
Guillette, Louis J. Jr. (1954–2015)
Hales, Barbara (1949-2024)
- Obituary: Remembering Barbara F. Hales
Hansel, William (1918–2017)
Hardy, Matthew P. (1957–2007)
- BOR memorial: Akingbemi B, Handel MA, Holmes M, Jansen J, Perreault-Darney S, Robaire B, Schlegel PN, Zirkin BR. In memoriam, Matthew P. Hardy, Ph.D., 1957–2007. Biol Reprod 2008; 78(3): 563-564
- SSR collection: Barry R. Zirkin and Sally Perreault-Darney’s e-mail announcement; memorial by Terry Brown; NY Times obituary by Peter N. Schlegel. (PDF)
Harper, Michael John Kennedy (1935–2022)
Hecht, Norman B. (1940–2013)
- BOR memorial: Griswold MD, Eddy EM, Goldberg E. In memoriam, Norman B. Hecht, Ph.D., 1940–2013. Biol Reprod 2013; 88(6):163.
- SSR awards: 2000 SSR Research Awardee (PDF)
- SSR Collection: SSR’s announcement
Howard, JoGayle (1951–2011)
- BOR memorial: In memoriam, JoGayle Howard, D.V.M., Ph.D., 1951–2011. Biol Reprod 2011; 84(5): 1072-1073.
Hoyer, Patricia (1942-2024)
- Obituary: Patricia Hoyer Obituary
- BOR Memorial: In Memoriam
Inskeep, Keith (1938–2021)
- BOR Memorial: In Memoriam
Jegou, Bernard (1951–2021)
- Memorial: Robaire, Bernard. In memoriam statement.
BOR Memorial: In Memoriam
Johnson, Donald C. (1927–2004)
- BOR memorial: Bast J, Terranova P. In memoriam, Gilbert S. Greenwald, 1927–2004. Biol Reprod 2005; 72(3): 772-773.
Kinsey, William (Bill) (1950-2024)
- Obituary: In Memory of William Kinsey
Koering, Marilyn J. (1938–2008)
- BOR memorial: Resko J. In memoriam, Marilyn J. Koering, Ph.D., 1938–2008. Biol Reprod 2009; 80(3): 611.
- SSR collection: SSR Business Office’s e-mail announcement; Brainerd Dispatch obituary. (PDF)
Kroc, Robert L. (1907–2002)
- Memorial: Steinetz BG. In memoriam: Robert L. Kroc—a relaxin pioneer, and so much more. (Provided to SSR by the author; published in multiple sources.) (PDF)
Lane, Michelle (1970–2020)
- Obituary: In Memory of Michelle Lane
- Memorial: Remembering Michelle Lane
Lardy, Henry A. (1917–2010)
- Memorial: Kresge N, Simoni RD, Hill RL. Henry Lardy’s contributions to understanding the metabolic pathway. J Biol Chem 2005; 280:e17.
- Newspaper articles:
- Press release: UW-Madison biochemist Henry Lardy dies at age 92. University of Wisconsin–Madison, 6 Aug 2010.
- SSR awards: 1984 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF)
Leibo, Stanley P. (1937–2014)
- Memorials:
- Newspaper obituary: Leibo, Stanley Paul Ph.D. The Providence Journal, 30 Mar 2014.
Li, Qinglei (1971-2024)
- Memorial: Remembering Dr. Qinglei Li
- GoFundMe: Donate to help the family of Qinglei Li
MacCalman, Colin (1966–2011)
Meites, Joseph (1913–2005)
- Newspaper obituary: Meites, Joseph. Lansing State Journal, 2 Feb 2005. (PDF)
- SSR awards: 1979 Carl G. Hartman Awardee
Melampy, Robert (1909–1984)
- SSR Heritage Committee biosketch: Anderson LL, Day BN, Ford SP. “Robert M. Melampy: first president of the SSR (1909–1984). Society for the Study of Reproduction. (PDF)
Milvae, Robert “Bob” (1953–2022)
- Memorial: In memoriam statement.
- Obituary: In Memory of Robert Milvae
Moger, William H. (1955–2001)
- SSR collection: Bruce Murphy’s e-mail announcement; Ruth Ann Moger’s memorial announcement; Halifax Daily News obituary. (PDF)
Moss, Stuart (1950-2021)
- Obituary: Stuart Moss
- Memorial: In Memoriam: Stuart Moss
Moudgal, N. Raghuveer (1931–2011)
- Obituary. (PDF)
Nalbandov, Andrew (1912–1986)
- Heritage Committee biosketch: Resko JA. Andrew V. Nalbandov: a short biography (1912–1986). Society for the Study of Reproduction. (PDF)
- SSR awards: 1969 Carl G. Hartman Awardee.
Nilson, John (1950-2023)
- Obituary: John Helmar Nilson
- Memorial: In Memoriam, John H. Nilson
Niswender, Gordon (1940–2017)
- Obituary: Gordon Niswender
- SSR awards: 2013 Trainee Mentoring Awardee (PDF), 2005 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF), 2001 SSR Distinguished Service Awardee (PDF), 1988 SSR Research Awardee (PDF)
Nteeba, Jackson (1985–2021)
Parker, Keith L. (1954–2008)
- SSR awards: 2004 SSR Research Awardee (PDF)
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; memorial service information; Dallas Morning News obituary. (PDF)
Payne, Anita H. (1926–2009)
- SSR awards: 2004 SSR Distinguished Service Awardee (PDF) 1998 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF)
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; obituary. (PDF)
Robinson, Terence J. (1919–2004)
- Obituary: Emeritus Professor Terence James Robinson
- Memorial: TJ Robinson, A Life of Scientific Achievement
Rothchild, Irving (1913–2006)
- Article for SSR: Rothchild I. Induction, deduction, and the scientific method: an eclectic overview of the practice of science. Madison, WI: Society for the Study of Reproduction; 2006:1-13. (PDF)
- BOR memorial: Castracane VD, Gibori G. In memoriam: Irving Rothchild, Ph.D., M.D. 1913–2006. Biol Reprod 2007; 76(4): 736.
- SSR awards: 1994 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF)
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; Irv’s last poem; New York Times obituary. (PDF)
Ryan, Robert J. (1927–2008)
- BOR memorial: LaBarbera AR. In memoriam, Robert John Ryan, M.D., 1927–2008. Biol Reprod 2009; 80(6):1305.
- SSR awards: 1991 Carl G. Hartman Awardee (PDF)
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; obituary. (PDF)
Schomberg, David William (1939-2024)
- Obituary: David William Schomberg
Schwartz, Neena B. (passed in 2018)
- SSR service: SSR President (1977-1978)
Segal, Sheldon J. (1926–2009)
- Newspaper article: Grimes W. Sheldon J. Segal, who developed contraceptives, dies at 83. New York Times, 20 Oct 2009.
- SSR awards: 1994 SSR Distinguished Service Awardee (PDF)
- SSR Collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement (PDF)
Seidel Jr., George E. (1943-2021)
- Memorial: Honoring Dr. George E. Seidel, Jr.
- Obituary: Listen to Obituary and Obituary Statement
Short, Roger (1930–2021)
- Obituary: In Memory of Roger Short.
- Memorial: Elizabeth Finkel
Silvia, William J. (1956–2015)
Steinberger, Emil (1928–2008)
Saiduddin, Syed (1939-2022)
Wildt, David E. (1950–2020)
- Obituary: In Memory of David E. Wildt
- Memorial: Remembering David E. Wildt
Wolf, Richard C. (1926–2001)
- Obituary (PDF)
Woods, Gordon L. (1952–2009)
- SSR collection: SSR’s e-mail announcement; obituary. (PDF)
Yanagimachi, Ryuzo (1928-2023)
- Obituary: Ryuzo Yanagimachi
- Memorial: Reflections on the Life of Ryuzo Yanagimachi
- Memorial Video