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Awards Committee
The Awards Committee, composed of five or more Members of the Society, shall encourage nominations of worthy persons for Society Awards, annually select a recipient for each award, and recognize the recipient at an appropriate event during the Annual Meeting. Any active Member may make nominations for the awards according to the guidelines published annually. The awards are made solely to recognize outstanding contributions to the reproductive sciences and bear no obligation to the recipient or to the donor.
2024-2025 Awards Committee Members
- Alan Ealy, Chair
- Ryan Ashley, Associate Chair
- Patrick Hannon, Past Chair
- Randy Armant
- Nikki Camlin
- Tracy Davis
- Amy Desaulniers
- Masahito Ikawa
- Sarah Moorey
- Nihar Nayak
- Peggy Petroff
- Emilia Przygrodzka
- Stephen Renaud
- Ken Roberts
- Islam Saadeldin
- Laura Schulz
- Constantine Simintiras
- Tom Spencer
- Claire Stenhouse
- Yuan Wang
- Matthew Wheeler
- Dorota Zieba-Przybylska
- Michal Zigo
- James MacLean, Board Liaison
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee, composed of three or more Members of the Society, shall analyze the appropriateness of the Bylaws and assess problems and conflicts which arise between recommendations and/or practices of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Society. It shall recommend alterations or repeal of existing Bylaws and propose new Bylaws for consideration by the Board of Directors.
2024-2025 Bylaws Committee Members
- Ahmed Balboula, Chair
- Sarah Bacon
- Jay Baltz
- Fredrick Eruo
- Jennifer Garrison
- Lynda McGinnis
- Mark Mirando
- Deborah Sloboda
- Umar Patel, Trainee Rep
- Leah Simon, Trainee Rep
- Jodi Flaws, Board Liaison
Development Committee
The Development Committee is charged with the responsibility of raising funds to support the programs and activities of the Society. The current Local Arrangements Committee Chair is an ex officio member of the Committee. The Committee and its Subcommittees (Legacy and Industrial Relations) coordinate and implement efforts to raise funds targeted to the Annual Meeting, the Journal, and to the Society’s Endowment Fund. The Committee also serves as liaison for bequests to the Society.
2024-2025 Development Committee Members
- Diane Duffy, Chair
- Pete Sutovsky, Past Chair
- Jeremy Block
- Thom Bonagura
- Vargheese Chennathukuzhi
- Pierre Comizzoli
- Bart Gadella
- Kathryn Grive
- Karl Kerns
- Pat Lonergan
- Margareta Pisarska
- Vimal Selvaraj
- Ben Tsang
- Fuhua Xu
- Mary Ali Oliver, Trainee Rep
- Sara Pietroforte, Trainee Rep
- Raj Kumar, Board Liaison
Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee, composed of five or more Members of the Society, shall work to enhance participation by minorities in the Society and in the field of reproductive sciences. Minorities shall be defined as underrepresented groups including, but not limited to, members of racial and ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities. The Committee shall report on the status of minorities in the Society to the Board of Directors. The Chair shall work with the Chairs of the Membership, Program, Nominating, Awards, and Education Committees, with the appropriate ad hoc Committee Chairs, and with Society Officers to enhance participation of minorities in Society activities including participation on Committees.
The purpose of the Diversity Committee is to provide a mechanism for communication between members of the Diversity Committee and the SSR members who self-identify as underrepresented; to facilitate access to resources available to underrepresented members of SSR; and to provide a physical resource where issues of concern to underrepresented members of SSR can be raised for discussion.
- Diversity Committee SOP
- Assessment of NIH Minority Research and Training Programs: Phase 3 (2005) – Published by National Academies Press.
- FASEB DEAI Initiatives
- Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships
- Frontiers in Reproduction – Sponsored by the Marine Biological Laboratory.
2024-2025 Diversity Committee Members
- Dawit Tesfaye, Chair
- Kamilah Grant, Associate Chair
- Angela Gonella Diaza, Past Chair
- Ingrid Carvacho
- Celina Checura
- Indrajit Chowdhury
- Maria Gervasi
- Estela Jauregui
- So-Youn Kim
- Lei Lei
- Annie Newell-Fugate
- Arin Oestreich
- Huanyu (Joe) Qiao
- Gloria Regisford
- John Richburg
- Shameka Thomas
- Zhibing Zhang
- Yulian Zhao
- Ryan Marquardt, Trainee Rep
- Camilo Pena Bello, Trainee Rep
- Sue Hammoud, Board Liaison
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer. The members include the President, Past President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, Secretary, and the Executive Director. The role of the Finance Committee is to provide a preliminary examination of the annual budget, to include items such as the publications budget and Annual Meeting expenditures. In addition, the Finance Committee considers the SSR endowment, investments, and investment strategy. Recommendations are then made to the Board of Directors. The overall goal is to maintain the financial health of the Society.
2024-2025 Finance Committee Members
- Lane Christenson, Treasurer & Chair
- Jennifer Wood, President
- Melissa Mann, Vice President
- Blanche Capel, Past President
- Rebecca Krisher, VP- Elect
- Jodi Flaws, Secretary
- Ashley Carey, Executive Director (ex officio)
Heritage Committee
The Heritage Committee is responsible for developing a program that will educate young scientists about the historical perspectives relevant to current research in reproductive biology. The Heritage Committee also creates/defines an activity in the program of the Annual Meeting specifically designed for Emeritus members that will serve as an incentive for their attendance.
SSR Memorials
Memorials are given for SSR members who have been recognized by their peers for their contributions to the field of reproductive biology.
2024-2025 Heritage Committee Members
- Gregory Johnson, Chair
- Andrea Cupp, Associate Chair
- John Parrish, Past Chair
- David Miller
- Melissa Pepling
- Janice Bahr, Emeritus Member
- Doug Stocco, Emeritus Member
- Antonella Rosario Ramona Caceres, Trainee Rep
- Robyn Moses, Trainee Rep
- Blanche Capel, Board Liaison
Honorees of the SSR Heritage Committee
The following honorees have been specifically chosen by the Heritage Committee to have their career contributions to reproductive biology through leadership, research, teaching, and mentoring of trainees recognized and presented during a formal hour at the annual meetings of the Society.
Heritage Committee Honorees
2005: Andrew Nalbandov
Biosketch: “Andrew V. Nalbandov: a short biography (1912–1986),” John A. Resko.
2006: Cornelia Channing
Biosketch: “Cornelia ‘Nina’ Post Channing (1938–1985),” Neena Schwartz.
2007: Robert M. Melampy
Biosketch: “Robert M. Melampy: first president of the SSR (1909–1984),” Anderson L.L., Day B.N., Ford S.P. Presented by Bill Day.
2008: Gilbert Greenwald
Biosketch: “Gilbert S. Greenwald: mentor and friend (1927–2004),” Reid L. Norman.
2009: Larry L. Ewing
Biosketch: “Larry L. Ewing: a friend and colleague remembered (1936–1990),” Barry R. Zirkin.
2010: Jack Gorski
Biosketch: “Jack Gorski: scholar, mentor, friend (1931–2006),” Fredrick Stormshak.
2011: Lester E. Casida
Biosketch: “The seminal contributions of Lester Earl Casida to reproductive biology: experimental design, interpretation, integrity (1904–1986),” Inskeep K., Cochrane B., Dailey B., Stormshak F. Presented by E. Keith Inskeep.
2012: Richard Blandau
Biosketch: “Tribute to Professor Richard J. Blandau,” presented by Pedro Verdugo.
2013: Alfred Jost
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by Nathalie Josso.
2014: E.J. “Chris” Polge
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by Sir Ian Wilmut.
2015: M.C. Chang
Biosketch: “M.C.Chang: A Short Biography (1908–91),” Ryuzo Yanagimachi.
2016: Anne McLaren
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by Blanche Capel.
2017: Dr. Phillip J. Dziuk
2018: Dr. William Hansel
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by Joy Pate.
2019: Dr. Neena Schwartz
2021: Dr. Gordon Niswender
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by Terry Nett.
2022: Dr. Virendra Mahesh
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by T. Rajendra Kumar
2023: Dr. Frederick Stormshak
2024: Dr. Ryuzo Yanagimachi
Biosketch (not presently available) presented by Steven Ward and Monika Ward.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee, composed of five or more Members of the Society, shall receive and actively solicit nominations for membership, evaluate these according to guidelines established by the Board of Directors, and approve or decline the applications.
2024-2025 Membership Committee Members
- Chris Geyer, Chair
- Lacey Luense, Associate Chair
- Shannon Bainbridge-Whiteside
- Cecily Bishop
- Pascale Chavatte-Palmer
- Zelieann Craig
- Eduardo Gastal
- Wei Ge
- Zhiming Han
- Ramakrishna Kommagani
- Lacey Luense
- Pascale Lybaert
- Eduardo Ribeiro
- Dariusz Skarzynski
- Alex Snider
- Agnieszka Waclawik
- Xiaoqiu “Churchill” Wang
- Ha Tran, Trainee Rep
- Brittney Williams, Trainee Rep
- Rocio Rivera, Board Liaison
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is responsible for the preparation of a slate of nominees, to be voted upon by mail ballots, for the open positions on the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall consist of ten Regular Members, of which three must be Past Presidents of the Society, selected by the Board of Directors with due consideration to representation of different scientific areas of reproductive biology. The Chairperson and the Members of the Committee shall be announced and made known to the Membership of the Society at least five months prior to each election. The Chairperson of the Committee shall be chosen by the President-Elect of the Society from the current Membership of the Committee. A new Chairperson shall be appointed yearly. Members of the Committee, with the exception of the Chairperson, shall not serve on the Nominating Committee for consecutive years.
2024-2025 Nominating Committee Members
- Hugh Clarke, Chair
- Stephanie Pangas, Past Chair
- Andrea Cupp
- Janice Evans
- Kanako Hayashi
- Andrew Kelleher
- Monica Laronda
- Warren Nothnick
- Rebecca Krisher, Board Liaison
Program Committee
The Program Committee, composed of ten or more Members of the Society, shall be responsible for arranging programs for the scientific meetings of the Society. The Committee shall select scientific topics or themes for presentation and select speakers, establish procedures to review abstracts, review abstracts, and prepare a program structure. It shall advertise the meetings and integrate its activities with the Local Arrangements Committee.The Committee shall evaluate past programs, assess the feasibility of alterations in program structure, and make appropriate recommendations to the Board of Directors.
2024-2025 Program Committee Members
- Blanch Capel
- Niamh Forde
- Greg Fitzharris
Committee members:
- Aileen Keating
- Mariano Buffonte
- Angela Gonella-Diaz
- David Tesfaye
- Karen Schindler
- Kim Jonas
- Brett Nixon
Public Affairs Committee
The Public Affairs Committee, composed of five or more members of the Society, shall review those issues emanating from the public or government that are of concern to the Society, and shall recommend to the Board of Directors positions for the Society to take on each issue. The Committee shall be responsible for the preparation and dissemination of public pronouncements and information, and for publishing the SSR Newsletter. The Committee shall also make recommendations to the Board of Directors for the organizational structure and function of the Society’s Public Affairs Program.
For additional information, please visit the Reproductive Science & Policy Resources pages.
Research and Public Policy
On August 23, 2018, Dr. Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) made an urgent and critical report to the U.S. Senate. In it he outlined the following issues and steps towards mitigation of serious threats to our biomedical research enterprise, peer review, grant applications and progress reports, intellectual property assessment management and protections of confidentiality in reports. View Dr. Collins’ letter here.
- Reproductive Science & Policy Resources Pages
- Public Affairs Committee SOP
- Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)
- Friends of NICHD Coalition
2024-2025 Public Affairs Committee Members
- Ewelina Bolcun-Filas , Chair
- Jennifer McKey, Associate Chair
- Brenda Alexander
- Ciro Amato
- Miranda Bernhardt
- Rafael Bisinotto
- Philip Jordan
- Rowan Karvas
- Patricia Morris
- Paul Robson
- Kenichiro Taniguchi
- Thorold Theunissen
- Karen Watanabe
- Shweta Dipali, Trainee Rep
- Martin Estermann
- Wonmi So
- Arslan Tariq
- Sissy Wamaitha, Trainee Rep
- Francesca Duncan, Board Liaison
Publications Committee
The Publications Committee, composed of five or more Members of the Society, shall be responsible for the management and oversight of all publications of the Society. The Committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors candidates for the editorial leadership. It will make recommendations regarding editorial policy and fiscal matters related to publications.
Resource Documents
Resource Websites
- Animal Welfare Information Center (USDA AWIC)
- Animals in Research (NIH OER)
- AnimalResearch.Info
- Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR)
- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NRC)
- National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR)
2024-2025 Publications Committee Members
- Maria Viveiros, Chair
- John Davis, Past Chair
- Tomer Avidor-Reiss
- Fernando Biase
- Lindsey Block
- Shawn Chavez
- Dongbao Chen
- Yong-Pil Cheon
- Aubrey Converse
- Francesco DeMayo
- Janice Evans
- Alvaro Garcia-Guerra
- Camilla Hughes
- Kiho Lee
- Serge McGraw
- Hon Yeung (Dexter) Chan, Trainee Rep
- Stephanie Tanis, Trainee Rep
- Mary Ann Handel, Consultant
- Andree Gauthier-Fisher, Ethics Consultant
- Melissa Mann, Board Liaison
Trainee Affairs Committee
The Trainee Affairs Committee is concerned with planning and coordination of those SSR activities that focus on trainee development. The Committee is made up of trainee members, faculty advisors, and two trainee-elected Trainee Representatives who serve on the Board of Directors as ex officio members and who are responsible for channeling the concerns and viewpoints of the Trainee Membership to the Board. Among the activities that fall within the scope of the Trainee Affairs Committee are the Trainee Forum, distribution of travel awards, placement service, and the Trainee–Mentor Luncheon at the Annual Meeting.
For more information, please visit the Trainee Affairs web page.
- Trainee Placement Service
- Facebook Group: Society for the Study of Reproduction Trainee Affairs
- Trainee Affairs Committee SOP
- Trainee Volunteer Subcommittee SOP
2024-2025 Trainee Affairs Committee Members
- Alison Ermisch, Chair
- Savannah Speckhart, Associate Chair
- Umar Patel, Bylaws Committee Rep
- Leah Simon, Bylaws Committee Rep
- Heather Rogers, Career Consultation Center Coordinator
- Mary Ali Oliver, Development Committee Rep
- Sara Pietroforte, Development Committee Rep
- Ryan Marquardt, Diversity Committee Rep
- Camilo Pena Bello, Diversity Committee Rep
- Amir Abazarikia, Grants Workshop Coordinator
- Antonella Rosario Ramona Caceres, Heritage Committee Rep
- Robyn Moses, Heritage Committee Rep
- Ha Tran, Membership Committee Rep
- Brittney Williams, Membership Committee Rep
- Shweta Dipali, Public Affairs Committee Rep
- Sissy Wamaitha, Public Affairs Committee Rep
- Hon Yeung (Dexter) Chan, Publications Committee Rep
- Stephanie Tanis, Publications Committee Rep
- McKenna Crossen, Trainee Mentor Lunch Coordinator
- Brooke Rudloff, Trainee Mentor Lunch Coordinator
- Yu-Ying Chen, Virtual Education Committee Rep
- Zian Liao, Virtual Education Committee Rep
- Katie Land, WinRS Committee Rep
- Deirdre Logsdon, WinRS Committee Rep
Former Trainee Representatives
Term | Representatives | |
2023-2024 | Jacinta Martin | Alison Ermisch |
2022-2023 | Taylor Pini | Jacinta Martin |
2021-2022 | Andrew Kelleher | Taylor Pini |
2020-2021 | Rachel West | Andrew Kelleher |
2019-2020 | Ashley George | Rachel West |
2018-2019 | Erica Schoeller | Ashley George |
2017-2018 | Jitu George | Erica Schoeller |
2016–2017 | Patrick R. Hannon | Jitu George |
2015–2016 | Jenna Haverfield | Patrick R. Hannon |
2014–2015 | Annie Newell-Fugate | Jenna Haverfield |
2013–2014 | Anthony McNeel | Annie Newell-Fugate |
2012–2013 | Zelieann Craig | Anthony McNeel |
2011–2012 | Tracy M. Clement | Zelieann Craig |
2010–2011 | Denise Archambeault | Tracy M. Clement |
2009–2010 | Chrissy Cochran | Denise Archambeault |
2008–2009 | Rebecca Bott | Chrissy Cochran |
2007–2008 | Rita Vassena | Rebecca Bott |
2006–2007 | O.U. Bolden-Tiller | Rita Vassena |
2005–2006 | K. Barnett | O.U. Bolden-Tiller |
2004–2005 | U. Salli | K. Barnett |
2003–2004 | J.M. Bowen-Shauver | U. Salli |
2002–2003 | K. Thompson | J.M. Bowen-Shauver |
2001–2002 | L. Clamon | K. Thompson |
2000–2001 | L. Howell-Skalla | L. Clamon |
1999–2000 | C.L. Chaffin | L. Howell-Skalla |
1998–1999 | A.L. Way | C.L. Chaffin |
1997–1998 | C. Morrey | A.L. Way |
1996–1997 | L. Janulis | C. Morrey |
1995–1996 | T. Goetz | L. Janulis |
1994–1995 | J.A. Flaws | T. Goetz |
1993–1994 | J. Manning | J.A. Flaws |
1992–1993 | S. Moenter | J. Manning |
1991–1992 | C. Nolan | S. Moenter |
1990–1991 | T. McShane | C. Nolan |
1989–1990 | J. Lamsa | T. McShane |
1988–1989 | A.M. Miller | J. Lamsa |
1987–1988 | J.H. Killen | A.M. Miller |
1986–1987 | D. Kettleberger | J.H. Killen |
1985–1986 | S.S. Palmer | D. Kettleberger |
1984–1985 | D.H. Canney | S.S. Palmer |
1983–1984 | T.L. Anderson | D.H. Canney |
1982–1983 | P.J. Thomford | T.L. Anderson |
1981–1982 | D.L. Vincent | P.J. Thomford |
1979–1980 | J.Y. Browning | D.R. Deaver |
1978–1979 | W.B. Wehrenberg | J.Y. Browning |
1977–1978 | S. Silavin | W.B. Wehrenberg |
1976–1977 | H.E. Grotjan | S. Silavin |
Accordion Heading
Women in Reproductive Sciences (WinRS) Committee
WinRS is a grassroots initiative amongst the female SSR membership to support the professional development and advancement of trainee, associate, and regular female members within the Society. Launched at the 2015 SSR Annual Meeting, WinRS members have established a Facebook page and Twitter presence in addition to sharing ideas and publications relating to the challenges of professional women working in academic and medical disciplines. Active committee members have engaged in nominating women for SSR Awards, as well as Board and Executive positions. All SSR Members are welcome to join! You may contact us at ssrwinrs@gmail.com
2024-2025 Women in Reproductive Sciences (WinRS) Committee
- Lynda Harris, Chair
- Virgina Savy , Past Chair
- Karen Schindler, Past Chair
- Marisa Bartolomei
- Claudia Baumann
- Paula Cohen
- Marcia de Almeida Monteiro Melo Ferraz
- Michelle Denomme Tignanelli
- Carol Hanna
- Holly LaVoie
- Alina Maloyan
- Helen McNeill
- Jeanne Rawls
- Elle Roberson
- John Schjenken
- Katja Teerds
- Katie Land, Trainee Rep
- Deirdre Logsdon, Trainee Rep
- Julie Kim, Board Liaison
Virtual Education Committee
The mission of the Virtual Education Committee will be to develop virtual programs that will aid in the education, highlighting the careers of SSR members, bringing technology updates and the latest science. This committee will produce content such as mini symposia, webinars and member interviews that will be available to SSR members. This group will work with the Public Affairs, Program, Diversity, Membership and Heritage committee to develop content. This committee will be an integral part of moving forward with developing virtual content for the Annual meeting.
2024-2025 Virtual Education Committee
- Victor Ruthig, Chair
- Barbara Nicol, Past Chair
- April Binder
- Kahina Boukherroub
- Matthew Dean
- Klementina Fon Tacer
- Haijun Gao
- Jessica Keane
- Bluma Lesch
- Andrew Modzelewski
- Pamela Monahan
- John Odhiambo
- Cameron Schmidt
- Shuo Xiao
- Fei Zhao
- Yu Ying Chen, Trainee Rep
- Zian Liao, Trainee Rep
- Diana Monsivais, Board Liaison