ReproBioArt Contest: Winners Announced!
Bring your repro-research to life!
We are thrilled to announce the completion of the inaugural ReproBioArt Contest 2024, brought to you by the Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR). This contest celebrates the visual representations of scientific research related to the study of reproduction, aiming to raise awareness about the significance of reproductive research for advancements in reproductive medicine and health.
We are excited to announce that the winners of the ReproBioArt Contest are Ingrid Carvacho (People’s Choice Award) and Martin Estermann (SSR Award)! Their stunning visual representations have captivated the community and highlighted the beauty and importance of reproductive research.
Thank you to everyone who participated and voted. The ReproBioArt Contest will return in 2025. We can’t wait to see more amazing entries. Stay tuned!
Congratulations to the winners!
ReproBioArt People’s Choice Award Ingrid Carvacho (Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile)

The first two planets of a complex universe”. A two-cell stage mouse embryo stained with Rhodamine- Phalloidin (F-actin, magenta) and DAPI (DNA, blue). The image was taken using confocal microscopy. Lab of Ion Channels and Reproduction, Universidad Catolica del Maule, Chile, PI: Ingrid Carvacho, PhD; credits: Sebastian Vergara, Isabel Vidal and Fernando inostroza.
- ReproBioArt SSR Award: Martin Estermann (NIEHS, USA)

“Urogonadal Butterfly”. Cross section of a E4.5 chicken urogonadal system, containing the mesonephros (embryonic kidney), the gonadal primordium and part of the mesentery. Cyan marks cytokeratin (epithelium) and magenta marks PAX2, a protein expressed in both mesonephric tubules and gonadal mesenchyme. Image was taken in a Zeiss Axio imager with a Zeiss Axiocam MRC5. Image was processed in Fiji. Butterfly was generated by mirroring the left side in photoshop.