Our organization is able to continue its mission because of your support and generosity. By contributing to a campaign listed below, you’ll help ensure that our work continues. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions. We welcome donations of all sizes and payment plans – whether it’s a one-time gift, a monthly contribution or part of a matching gifts program.

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General Support

General Endowment Fund – Donations used to support all of the society’s activities.

Trainee Support

Bruce D. Murphy Endowment Fund for SSR Trainee Members – The Bruce Murphy Fund supports trainee activities at the SSR Annual Meeting. In 2022, $5,000 from this fund was used to support the Trainee/New Investigator Grant Workshop and the SSR Career Center.

SSR Trainee Support Fund – The Trainee Support Fund contributed $26,000, which supported 25 trainees to participate in the Annual Meeting. Five of those trainees were from outside of the U.S.

New Investigator Support

Janice Bahr Endowment Fund – The Janice Bahr Junior Scientist

Travel Award is a self-nominated award and recognizes a Regular Member of the Society, an active Assistant Professor or position of similar rank on the tenure-track, and provides them with travel assistance to attend the Annual Meeting. This year the recipient of the award was Joe Qiao, Associate Professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana.

Virendra B. Mahesh New Investigator Fund – This fund recognizes members for their outstanding research completed and published within 10 years after receiving their PhD or other equivalent professional degree. David Pépin, Associate Professor at Harvard University, was the recipient of this award. He was cited for his many achievements in research and his willingness to collaborate with and help colleagues and trainees.

International Support

Fuller Bazer International Scientist Fund – This fund recognizes scientific excellence in reproductive biology of scientists outside of North America. The winner of this award was Moira O’Bryan, Professor at the University of Melbourne.

Female Gametogenesis or Follicular Development Research

John J. Eppig Endowment Fund – This fund covers travel to the SSR Annual Meeting for speakers in a designated module or session on female gametogenesis or follicular development. This year the fund supported the John Eppig Oocyte Biology Symposium.

Neuroendocrine Research

Virendra B. Mahesh Neuroendocrine Program Fund – This fund supports a symposium, plenary session, or similar event at the Annual Meeting with a focus on neuroendocrinology. This year the fund supported the Virendra B. Mahesh Cell Biology of the Neuroendocrine System Symposium.

Ovarian Research

William Hansel Ovarian Research Program Fund – This fund supports an Annual Meeting Symposium with a focus on ovarian function as it relates to the broader field of reproductive biology. This year it funded the Hansel Ovarian Biology Symposium – Hormone Action in the Ovary.

Biology of Reproduction Support

Virendra B. Mahesh Legacy Fund – This fund supports maintenance and enhancement of the Biology of Research (BOR journal).

Annual Meeting Support

Anita Payne Endowment Fund – This fund supports the Anita Payne New Perspectives on Reproductive Biology Lecture at the SSR Annual Meeting and SSR trainee participation in leading- edge courses or workshops. The 2022 Anita Payne Scholarship winner was Farners Amargant Riera, a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on understanding the age-associated changes in the ovary using mouse models.

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