Frontiers in Reproduction: Info Session 2

Information Session 2 for 2025 FIR Enrollment in the Advanced Training Course

Announcing upcoming information sessions for all individuals interested in attending FIR 2025. FIR Faculty and MBL staff will introduce the course and answer any questions you have about the program, admissions and financial assistance. Join us to learn more!

When (2 sessions to accommodate different time zones):

Info Session 2: Monday, January 6, 2025, 5-6pam EST
Meeting ID: 885 9790 9604
Passcode: 895216

Who will be there:
FIR Directors, Faculty, Alumni, & MBL Admissions Manager

Course Description
Frontiers in Reproduction (FIR) is an intensive six-week laboratory and lecture course designed for advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, newly independent scientists and physicians who seek training in modern state-of-the-art methods and a broad view of current concepts in all areas of reproductive biology. The FIR course is divided into three sections of two weeks’ duration and covers broad themes.

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