Who We Are
The Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) was founded in 1967 to promote the study of reproduction by fostering interdisciplinary communication among scientists, holding conferences, and publishing meritorious studies, and contributing to the development and mentoring of young scientists.
Today we are a global association of more than 1200 active members, including scientists, veterinarians, students, and physicians, representing over 50 countries. Some members are engaged in basic or applied research, while others perform clinical practice. All are dedicated to advancing knowledge of reproductive processes in animals and in humans.
Our Vision
A Sustainable World Through the Science of Reproduction, Fertility, and Development.
Advance the Science of Reproduction, Fertility, and Development for the Benefit of Humans and Animals.
SSR’s Key Values
Scientific Literacy
We strive to overcome scientific illiteracy and insist on scientific rigor in the design, conduct, and reporting of research.
We embrace diversity and inclusion in everything we do.
We are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of scientists.
We believe that science knows no borders, and are committed to finding ways to collaborate around the world.
We foster an environment that promotes the open, and productive exchange of ideas.
We value the pursuit of fundamental and applied knowledge.
We recognize the global importance of reproductive health for a better tomorrow for humans and animals.
SSR Members are Making a Difference
SSR members have made key contributions to stem cell biology, transgenesis, treatment of infertility, contraception, livestock production, pregnancy health, treatment of reproductive system cancers, and identification of environmental contaminants.
Our members are internationally recognized. They include members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and recipients of the Lasker Award, the Wolf Prize, the Grand Prix Charles-Leopold Mayer, and the International Prize for Biology.
Learn more about SSR members who have made significant contributions to the field of reproductive biology by listening to SSR’s Podcast “The Future Conceived” here.

What We Do
- Holding annual meetings at which scientists present data, learn the latest information in their field and meet fellow scientists.
- Publish Biology of Reproduction (BOR), the number one journal in this area of research.
- Provide leadership and training opportunities for pre- and post- doctoral students
- Facilitate partnership and translational research opportunities for SSR members
- Inform its members of current political issues related to science: research funding, animal use, ethics, etc.
- Represent members at the national level, primarily through its association with the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)