New Investigator Bootcamp Webinar Series: Setting Up and Staffing Your Lab

Description: Join us for the second webinar of SSR’s New Investigator Bootcamp series, titled “Setting-up and Staffing Your Lab”. This session is tailored toward future investigators seeking their first independent positions and features an expert panel, including Dr. Shuo Xiao, Dr. Xiaoqiu Wang, Dr. Anna Denicol, Dr. Elle Roberson, Dr. Nicholas Wege Dias. Moderator and audience questions will be answered on topics such as:

  • Common pitfalls and mistakes
  • R1 vs PUI (attracting candidates, start-up fund differences, timelines)
  • Pros & Cons of different hiring strategies, who to hire
  • What you need to open a lab
  • Identifying Mentors and peers
  • How to build long-term relationships
  • How your personal leadership style impacts your management style
  • Utilizing the Statement of Work with your hires
  • Personnel and space management

New Investigator Bootcamp Webinar Series: How to put the ‘Fun’ in Funding: Applying, Maintaining Grant Funds and Managing your Finances

Description: Join us for the upcoming webinar, “How to Put the ‘Fun’ in Funding: Applying, Maintaining Grant Funds, and Managing Your Finances,” where we’ll dive into key strategies for securing and managing finances as a new investigator. This session features a diverse panel discussing how to navigate funding opportunities, write effective grant applications, and manage lab finances. Attendees will learn about new investigator-specific and general grants, the grant application process, essential tips for grant writing, financial reporting, lab budgeting, and resources to streamline financial management.

New Investigator Bootcamp Series: Finding, Applying to, and Negotiating Your First Faculty Position

Description: Join us for the first webinar of SSR’s New Investigator Bootcamp series, titled “Finding, Applying to, and Negotiating Your First Faculty Position”. This session is tailored toward future investigators seeking their first independent positions and features an expert panel, including Dr. Farners Amargant i Riera, Dr. Andrew Modzelewski, Dr. Ky Pohler, Dr. Joanie Jorgensen, and Dr. Carmen Williams.

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