Personalized, or precision medicine is all the rage! But the translational transaction of knowledge sharing is just as critical; ensuring that the messages reach the right audience, in an accessible manner, to create the biggest impact. It’s precision communication! In this session, we will talk about how to structure and then share messages that matter. Grants, presentations, conversation with the community – there will be something in this session for everyone!
Series: Professional Development Webinar Series
Promoting the Health and Wellness of Biomedical Researchers
For over a year, now we have all had to significantly adjust our home and work routines. While we all want to be highly productive and have a positive outlook during COVID times, all of us are dealing with unique issues that impact our ability to be productive at this time. From our trainees to our research staff, our experiences with and responses to these changes are unique and manifest themselves in different ways. In this webinar, we will provide members of SSR with insights and strategies for supporting themselves and their research groups during this difficult time.
Storytelling in Science Communication: Using Principles of Story for Effective Talks, Posters, and Presentations
The success of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals requires them to communicate to stakeholders, colleagues, and the public. To do this, they need communication practices that will help their audience engage, understand, and remember their content. This presentation introduces the Storyform method, materials, and tools, derived from the elements and principles of story, and demonstrates how they are used to create highly effective, exceptional presentations, slides, posters, and infographics. The presentation features multiple examples of work created by professionals from diverse fields and includes assessment data on the impact of Storyform on communication practices.